Jumicar, with headquarters based in Hamburg-Germany, operates road safety parks for children since 1989 in 15 countries worldwide.

Its prime focus is to inform the younger and more vulnerable users of road networks for the dangers they daily face, contributing towards reducing road accidents.

 The first permanent road safety park operates in Greece since 2006 in the premises and with cooperation with the charity foundation for children with special needs “Pamakaristos” in Nea Makri.

 The park visit children 3-14 year old and admits 15.000 students every year    via school visits and 12.000 children when operating for the public.

 The park is approved and suggested by the Ministry of Education (Circular Γ7/21558/1-3-05) for educational school visits.

 Children via driving perceives and understand the importance of road safety by learning by doing and not by accumulating barren information.

 Jumicar’s junior size cars are petrol driven, environmental friendly, traveling at a max of 15 km/h. They fully simulate real cars with accelerator, brake, automatic gear box and four stroke engine with max noise level 50 decibel.

 Jumicar is an active member of European Road Safety Charter.

The European Road Safety Charter is a European participatory platform made up of enterprises, associations, research institutions and public authorities. The objective of the Charter is to help reduce road fatalities. The Charter has more than 2.000 signatories

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